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  • We’re on the lookout for new volunteers! Contact us to find out more.

img 12/05/2023

The SOS Kit Aid team helps to make a real difference to the lives of disadvantaged rugby youngsters around the world.  Over the last 20 years,  we have recycled over £8 million pounds worth of quality rugby kit from UK rugby clubs and schools. This is enough kit to enable over a quarter of a million disadvantaged youngsters in over 60 emerging rugby countries around the world to play rugby.

At the same time this recycled kit has saved over 1500 tonnes of harmful CO2 emissions, which has seen us win three prestigious environmental awards. Over 250 tonnes of quality UK rugby kit has been saved from being dumped in scarce UK landfill sites.

The Charity’s CEO, John Broadfoot said, “As a volunteer SOS Regional Manager you could  be responsible, as part of the existing SOS team,  for helping to collect, pack and despatch SOS kit abroad. There is great call for our help and so we are recruiting in three main areas: Manchester , South East London and the Notts, Lincs & Derby area. Hours are very flexible , you simply decide how you will fit it around other commitments. The positions are unpaid but any travel expenses will be paid.”

The posts are ideal for a retired person with spare time  who wants to stay connected to rugby and put something back into the game. You will meet wonderful people within the rugby fraternity and will be making a huge difference to disadvantaged young children’s lives and to the environment too.

If you are interested and would like further details – please call John Broadfoot on 07968 147022. 


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